Salam hangat untuk para pengunjung situs website, kami merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang produksi tas khususnya untuk acara-acara event seperti seminar, Diklat, Promosi, merchandise dan masih banyak lagi. Bukan hanya itu saja kami juga memproduksi tas custom dimana anda
Devita “Hermes Handbags Seller” Keep Sentenced 2 Years

Friska devita aka Ping-ping, Hermes handbag seller, remain unpunished 2 years. His attempt to get leniency in cases of fraud involving the sale and purchase of bags socialite Margaret Vivi ran aground in the Jakarta High Court (PT Jakarta). Decision
Hundreds Item Ammunition Found In Black Bag Buried In Trash

At least, there are 101 ammunition was found in a garbage dump (TPS) in the wild Petung Bamboo Road, RT 09 RW 05, Bambu Apus, Cipayung, East Jakarta, Wednesday (01/20/2016). Hundreds of rounds of ammunition was first discovered by Rusdiyana
Home Lecture, Student Bags Unrika mugged

Siti Fatimah (26), a resident of Housing Lotus, Putri Hijau become victims of mugging at a red light, Tuesday, January 19, 2016 night. Siti mugged three unidentified men while returning home from Riau University Campus maritime (Unrika). As a result,
Hangout with 5 Sling Bag Accent Buckle

Details buckle or buckles indeed many presented in bags. But for a unique look and attract attention, you can look for a bag with a large buckle. Although not yet widely offered in the market, some well-known brands as well
Astra Share 3000 Post 500 Shoes and Bags in Tolitoli-Mentawai

After distributing 1,500 pairs of shoes and 250 bags in Mentawai, West Sumatra, PT Astra International Tbk re-allot 1,500 shoes and 250 bags for children at 14 schools Tolitoli region, Central Sulawesi. Distribution of bags and shoes is the result
Success Looking Craft Leather Bag Reptiles in Krian; Take advantage of Leather Waste

A strong character differentiator becomes an entrepreneur. This differentiator can be in terms of raw materials, design, packaging, by way of marketing, a business product. If you managed to find a differentiator that will undoubtedly create a market or even
Bag Unloading thieves Stolen in Home Home Victims

A thief who broke into a house in Kampung Bandungsari, Gang Forest, RT 01 RW 04, Village Mining, Mijen subdistrict, Semarang on Tuesday (19/1) morning, it can be said quite boldly. Because the thieves were allegedly more than one person

The popularity of handbags models this bucket back prevalent among fashion lovers this year! Continue the trend of handbag models bucket (bucket bag) were very popular last year, this year also confirmed bucket bag models this will again be the
Suspicious bag Create Panic Singaporeans

On Friday last week, two suspicious bags were placed in different locations have panicked residents of Singapore. Reportedly, these bags are at the bus station in Queen Street and Woodlands checkpoint. Witnesses at the scene say they worry that the
Suspected bomb squad team Secure Bags Containing Bomb Eating

Explosives disposal team (Jihandak) South Sulawesi Police bomb squad to secure a bag placed in front of Restaurant Coto Begadang, Jalan Nuri, Makassar, on Wednesday (01/20/2016). Green bag that allegedly contained the bomb was deposited by an unknown person directly
Whew, The Police Ganteng Bring Branded Bags Disable When Terrorists

Police shootout with terrorist groups in Sarinah, Central Jakarta, Thursday (14/01/2016), the main focus of Indonesian society. Behind the attacks, people throwing each other at crime scenes information through social media. One of the things that attracted the attention of
People nearby Bags That Not How Long Gone, Backpacks Had Left Two Hours

Citizens who exercise at Jalan Katamso Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan Governor’s Office side, was surprised with a black backpack left alone by their owners up to two hours on the pavement next to the Home Position (Rumjab) Governor of Central Kalimantan.
Security Tightens malls, Bags Visitors were Examined

Security Tightens malls, Bags Visitors are checked Post-Terror bombings in the area of Sarinah, Jakarta, January 14, Manado is still alert. Continuously improved safety measure. Especially in centers such as shopping malls, hotels and other strategic locations. Security of the
Trauma Bomb, Backpack Black Bikin Panic

A black duffel bag that tergelatak in front of St. Anthony’s Church, New Town Yogyakarta makes a scene by local residents. Concerns of citizens about the possibility of the bag containing the bomb immediately responded by reporting to the police.
Suspected bomb, the contents of the bag uniform and diplomas make tantrum citizens Palangkaraya

Residents Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, shocked by the findings of a suspicious bag that allegedly contained a bomb, in Jalan Brigjend Katamso, Monday (18/1) afternoon. Bomb squad from Central Kalimantan Police bomb squad, rushed to the scene examination. As a result,
This bag is a better investment than gold

A bag especially handbags are mandatory items that must be shared by all women. Either to carry or just as a complementary appearance, fashion items that one can not be separated from her appearance. But based on a study, a
Hand Bags Coffee Mix Deter CCTV for Cyanide, Mode Called by Police

Police investigating the death of Mirna Wayan Salihin calls handbag placed on the table, thus blocking the view of CCTV cameras Olivier Cafe referred to as the mode by the police. Was heard in a recording leaked when police interrogated
For the sake of ceremony , Bags Left Here in North Toraja Regency Office

Come in a hurry , luggage (bags ) is left alone at the top of the car , in the open . That number of participants of the National Awareness Day commemoration ceremony late in the courtyard outside the office
Black bag Contains Allegedly Had Bomb Hebohkan Headquarters Sabhara

Headquarters Directorate Sabhara North Sumatra Police in Jalan Djamin Ginting, Medan suddenly excited, Sunday (17/1) morning. A black bag said to contain improvised explosive devices found in the front yard of the hostel. Dozens of police personnel immediately moved to
Suspicious bag Around the Church of St. Antonius Turns Contains Clothing and Equipment Bath
A purse findings gegerkan citizens who are around the Church of St. Anthony of Kotabaru Yogyakarta, on Monday (1/18/2016) morning. Had the suspected bomb, the findings of these objects could make police officers and bomb squad teams intervened before it
Touted Bag Containing Suspected Bomb Turns Contains Underwear

Rumors in the dormitory Sabhara North Sumatra Police suspected that the bag containing the bomb was teryata yellow clothes and knives. A police officer who refused his name to be published to the media, said a suspicious object suspected bomb
Bags at Home Dormitory Sabhara North Sumatra Police Contains Underwear and Spion Motor

Black bag which had appalling boarding Sabhara North Sumatra Police was not a bomb and there is no harm. Since the bag was found, a car bomb squad unit derived following three North Sumatra Police explosives disposal personnel, full use
Suspected Bomb Turns Bag Containing Clothes

Bags suspected bomb was found in Seberang Contains Kotabaru Church Street Yogyakarta, on Monday (1/18/2016) morning. Examination of taxable income Apparently bag containing clothing, toiletries tool, Dan Small sculpture. Kapolsek Gondokusuman, AKP Fadli explained ITU suspicious bag was first discovered

LOEWE Amazona bag which is famous for its Flamenco and this time launched the new design bags. Do you like to collect bags, Fimelova? Good news for you! LOEWE launched the latest bag design is certainly very hunted by fashionistas.
Action Thriller When the Army bomb squad Secure Backpack Suspected Bomb
Residents around the flyover precisely next to Taman Makam Pahlawan, Jalan Sudirman, Pekanbaru, Riau shocked by diamankannya suspicious man wearing a hat and carrying a black backpack by police, on Friday (01/15/2016) morning. Police immediately secured the perpetrator, so he
the price of bags and shoes police in the middle of terror Sarinah

Acts of terrorism had just rocked the residents of Jakarta. Gripping events in the form of throwing a bomb and firefight occurred in the center of Jakarta, precisely the area Sarinah Thamrin. Police have confirmed that ISIS were behind the
Confessing youth Take Two Bomb Gear Backpack

Passengers who claimed to have a bomb while trying to fly the plane Lion JT 305 Friday (15/01/2015), is currently being processed in Banda Aceh Police. Police Commissioner Banda Aceh police chief Zulkifli SStMk to say, the passenger initials
Men Carrying backpacks and secured Suspicious bomb squad team from the Lower Fly Over Sudirman Pekanbaru

Riau Police bomb squad team Satbrimobda, Friday (15/01/2016) afternoon, forced blocking Jalan Sudirman, exactly under the flyover near Taman Makam Pahlawan (TMP), because received reports of a suspicious man carrying a bag. Police suspicion arises because the movements of the
Brimob team ‘s Destroy Suspected Bomb Bag
Gorontalo Police Mobile Brigade team Jihandak destroy A backpack Which Contains suspected bomb, which was found in prayer One stall in Jalan Jhon Aryo Katili, Gorontalo, Friday (15/1), At 19:20 pm. Direskrimum Gorontalo Police Commissioner Pol Azis Saputra explained that