A bag especially handbags are mandatory items that must be shared by all women. Either to carry or just as a complementary appearance, fashion items that one can not be separated from her appearance. But based on a study, a handbag was found to be an outstanding investment.

Based on a study conducted by Baghunter, it is known that the Birkin bag is an investment that is very incredible and even better than gold. Birkin bag is a series issued by the fashion house Hermes and named according to a popular artist and singer in the 1980s, namely JaneBirkin. This time the bag is a symbol of wealth and luxury fashion because the price is extraordinarily expensive.

There are two reasons why the Birkin bag is regarded as a good investment. The first reason is because of the soaring price of this bag as much as 500 percent since it was first released in 1980. In addition, the price of the bag is also expected to increase steadily in the decades to come.

The second reason is referred to as the bag is a good investment because the price never goes down. Compared to other forms of investment, never once Birkin bag price is down and the opposite happened.

Then why this bag prices continue rising and never go down? The first reason is because the demand is very large and even far exceed existing supply. Another reason is because of the class of this object very fancy so it is not affected by a variety of other economic factors.

So this proves that the bag belonged to a woman not only a fashion but also can be a very good investment and profitable.

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This bag is a better investment than gold
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