Indonesian Idol cheap bag factory located in Bandung already have a design team of bags that have had the experience that has long been trusted by consumers with the products we produce. Our designer team is also trained professionals in their fields, in which our team has been there since the company was established our bags. Therefore you do not need to worry anymore to cooperate and entrust your bags with our products. Our team of designers is also divided into two parts. The first is that the design team working on the field of pattern making, and the second is the designers who work in making models. All of our designer team always cooperate and support each other.
Task Team Designers
The main task of our designers team is to create a pattern that fits our customers’ orders which we will do according to the pattern and model of our customers who have previously message. The second team of designers that we have is to work together in creating a bag that product quality and in accordance with our customers’ orders. Choosing quality materials and also makes bags with a model that is always up to date is our commitment to you.
We also regularly always provide training to our team of designers to provide high quality training. We also send our designers to follow outside training in order to design bags that we produce is always abreast of fashion trends that are happening at that moment. Various training books related to the world of design bags also always we give to our team. So you do not need to hesitate anymore to cooperate and entrust your bags with our products.
Experienced Designers Team
We as one of the bags that had long since been producing various kinds of bags with good quality and also very competitive price, always provide and offer you a variety of things you need for a bag that you need. With the designers that we have and have experienced, we are always committed to always offer you a quality bag that also has the latest models that are much in demand.
The designers we have also incorporated into several teams, each of which is divided by the different experiences in the field of design handbag. Designers we have also largely a designer who is still young, but already has a lot of experience in their respective fields. Passion for creating products of the highest quality bag is that we offer to you. Armed with a team of experienced designers we have, problems that often you get when making a bag that suits your needs you can consult with our designer team who will always be ready to help you.
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