Sepak takraw team South Sulawesi (Sulawesi) is still waiting for the national championship of the executive committee (national championship) sepak takraw to be held in Riau.
Because Sulsel contingent has been preparing its best athletes, to take part of the diajang. Moreover, the competition will be a test for the athletes who are currently built in South Sulawesi were prepared for the Advancement II National Sports Week (PON) in West Java 2016.
Sepak Takraw Sulsel coach Rustam said, Until now it was still awaiting information from the executive committee, a matter of when the national championship will be held. “We are still waiting for confirmation, because he kejurnas was postponed,” he said when confirmed.
Unknown, sepak takraw kejurnas previously scheduled to be held in November, but was postponed in December. However, the likely implementation of a senior-level competition was again delayed for reasons unknown.
To that end, Rustam said it did not yet have confirmation of when kejurnas is done, when it was experiencing resignation twice. “It should still be held this year,” he said.
Sepak takraw team is very enthusiastic faced by local senior national championship. In fact, the coach has prepared its best athletes. At least, there were 24 experienced athletes are ready to duel and gain medals in Riau. Moreover, the PON later, sepak takraw is expected to panning for gold.
Meanwhile, the General Secretary of the Indonesian Sepak Takraw Association (PSTI) Sulsel Gottang Saleh confirmed he is preparing featured athletes follow the senior national championship. However, the certainty of the schedule is not known. “We are ready to perform and transmit the athletes,” he said.
Currently, the board sepak takraw South Sulawesi province continue to boost development and improve the quality of human resources. According to him, there are three important components that must be built for the sake of achievement. Namely the quality of the athletes, coaches and the referee. “We are trying to restore the glory takraw Sulsel in PON later,” he said.
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