Governor urges residents Bandung West Java Fix PON Administration
On behalf of the citizens of Bandung, Hendi Harubianadi, warned that the implementation of the National Sports Week XIX in West Java endless as PON Riau.
This is due to administrative irregularities and budgetary management of grants for the implementation of the PON.
Hendi meyuarakan this because it refers to Law number 28 of 1999 on the implementation of state clean and free of collusion, corruption and nepotism where people have a responsibility to participate ha and realize pennyelenggara corruption-free country.
“These irregularities spots visible in the Project Management Office (PMO) which the Selection Committee PMO PON XIX Jabar to be held in 2016 did not use the Presidential Decree 54 of 2010 Concerning Procurement of goods and services within the government, as a reference to the rules,” he said in press release received on Wednesday (04/08/2015).
Governor urges residents Bandung West Java Fix PON Administration
In addition to the presidential decree, Hendi said, other rules that must be followed is the Governor Regulation No. 56 of 2013, Regulation No. 32 of 2011 Permendgari No. 39 of 2012 and the third rule grants are all about.
According to Hendi, he knew that the procurement of PMO PON XIX Year 2016, conducted on behalf of the government of West Java Province using grant funds sourced from the budget Jabar and committee / selection team melaksanakkan process This supply is the apparatus of the State Civil (ASN) Pemrov Jabar menyelenggarakkan ativitasnya Pemrov environment.
“However, we were surprised by the statement of the chairman of the Selection Team PMO PON XIX namely West Java regional assistant III (ASDA) West Java Provincial Government which states that based Fatwa BPKP and LKPP, PON XIX Jabar should not use reference Presidential Decree 54 of 2010 and the third rule is, “he said.
Responding to this, Hendy acknowledges that it has sent a letter to Kemenpan and Reforms in particular Deputy Prosecution and will be sent an official letter to the commission was to expose the problem POUND Jabar.
“We urge the Governor of West Java as the chairman of the committee of the PON Jabar is not silent at this ketidaberesan because if left unchecked will be fatal to the proceedings which resulted in court Corruption,” he said.
Furthermore, Hendi said in an effort to prevent corruption that may cause loss to the state, the ministry of youth and sports should also do concrete menyikkapi this issue because, one of its PON budget Jabar is Kemenpora.
Governor urges residents Bandung West Java Fix PON Administration
“If nothing changes, then we consider the letter to the Corruption Eradication Commission to pay attention to the implementation of the PON Jabar especially in the procurement of goods and services,” he said.
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