In order to provide after-sales service that can be trusted, then we always offer competitive prices and quality bags that can compete with the other bag manufacturers. We can also ensure that the price that we offer to you will not exceed the price on the market and not in accordance with the quality you get.
Why We Cheaper Price?
We as a company engaged in the production of quality bags, but we sell at low prices, probably most of you will ask why we could sell a bag with a very affordable price. Efficiency in terms of production of bags that are coordinated so that we always provide a quality bag but still have competitive prices.
With the system we do for a variety of products that we produce bags, then we will always provide products of assured quality, and then will be sent to you according to the address you confirm to us. If there is a product that is defective or not the bag according to your order, then we are willing to replace it with a better product and to suit your needs.
How With Bags Products How to Order?
We as a company that has experienced even will definitely stay there are defective products due to production errors that can be caused by “human error”. We also always to anticipate on this by providing a guarantee if the product that we produce defective.
For reservations of our products, you can contact our sales department office at number 022-5206738 on behalf of Mr. Dede Hidayat. You alsocan contact through phone number 081.221.24803. Alternatively you can also visit our office is directly located in :
Jl. Leuwipanjang – Leuwisari V No. 59 Bandung 40235.
Tel. 022-5206738, Fax. 022-5229340,
HP. 081.221.24803
Email : ,
BBM :2931A361
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