Already many of us encounter bag factory with the famous brands that founded the magnificent buildings and has thousands of employees. Even hundreds bag factory already set up their business. The plant is usually set up in major cities with a goal when it will send the goods to the store, the factory will incur huge costs. In one day bag factory will produce thousands of bags to be marketed throughout Indonesia. They will compete to produce bags with the latest model in order to attract consumers to buy. The plant has a powerful engine assisted by thousands of employees employed it is no wonder if one day they will generate thousands of bags per day. Obviously this can be advantageous to plant the bag itself because the more the number of the plant’s production will be much distribute to stores. Obviously automatically coffers rupiah will be flowing into the company.
And the quality of Indonesia Eyes Bag Model World
Not a few bags of Indonesian products that have been entered into abroad. This is because the quality and the bag model Indonesia has a different characteristic than the bag of products of other countries. Made from a nice base and the latest model of the world recognized as an outstanding work which has its own characteristics. The businessmen are trying to promote his bag out of the country via the Internet. In this way, which is considered effective to introduce Indonesian products bag. With exports expected to bag the bag factory processed Indonesia to be excellent world.
Illustration picture Bag Factory
The number of bags factory in Indonesia to make competition in the bag industry is very high. Competition occurs between the factory with other factories, they are trying to produce good quality bag is accompanied by an economical price. By prioritizing these two things, it is expected that consumers will use the production of these bags factory. They are competing in terms of price, quality of materials used in the bag as well as a model issued by the factory. Competition between these bags factory under the supervision of the government and required to join APINDO (the Indonesian Employers Association), and thus the entrepreneur will manage the plant wisely without dropping other parties. Not a few entrepreneurs working with foreign employers for the benefit of their business development. Not a few foreign investors who invest in the stock bag factory in Indonesia. It is obviously very helpful wheels that factory factory business can thrive and be competitive with existing bag factory in Indonesia.
The fate of Employees Who Work In Bags Factory
Once we know the performance of the plant and the intricacies, then there is no harm if we look back, to see the employees of the plant. Thousands of employees were employed in the factory of bags does not guarantee the future of the employees themselves, because they are generally still contract employees and paid according to the minimum wage (Minimum Wage), as we know that the minimum wage in each city is different depending on the budget of a region and the policy of the plant. Bag factory employees often complain about their fate because they are difficult to be a permanent employee in the company. On the other hand, they have dependents to provide for kitchen and other family needs. They regretted that the system of contracts they feel disadvantaged by the company, therefore they hope to become permanent employees. Besides health insurance provided by the company can only be used by the employee alone. Given this, many employees who move work hoping to sustain himself and his family. (*)
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